113 Lub Npe Tsiaj Phem: Peb Cov Xaiv Zoo Tshaj Plaws rau Koj Cov Mis Mischievous

Cov txheej txheem:

113 Lub Npe Tsiaj Phem: Peb Cov Xaiv Zoo Tshaj Plaws rau Koj Cov Mis Mischievous
113 Lub Npe Tsiaj Phem: Peb Cov Xaiv Zoo Tshaj Plaws rau Koj Cov Mis Mischievous

Miv tuaj yeem yog tus phooj ywg qab zib thiab ntxim hlub, tab sis qee tus miv muaj tus cwj pwm ntawm lawv tus kheej nrog tus cwj pwm thiab kev ua phem. Cov miv nyob ntawm lawv tus kheej txoj cai thiab ua qhov lawv xav tau, yog li cas txoj hauv kev zoo dua rau npe koj tus miv dua li tom qab tus dab nto moo lossis tus supervillain?

Xaiv 113 lub npe miv phem no los muab koj tus miv dev los yog dab lub npe kom haum nws tus cwj pwm zoo.

Demon Names rau miv

Txawm hais tias nyob rau hauv zaj duab xis los yog nyob rau hauv zaj dab neeg, dab ntxias peb lub siab thiab npau suav phem. Yog tias koj tus miv yog dab me ntsis ntawm nws tus kheej, cov npe dab no yog qhov haum rau koj tus tsiaj tshwj xeeb.

  • Pluto: Greek vajtswv ntawm lub ntiajteb sab hauv
  • Bile: Celtic vajtswv ntuj raug txim
  • Tezcatlipoca: Aztec vajtswv ntuj raug txim
  • Beelzebub: Hebrew Lord of the Flies
  • Typhon: Greek txhais Dab Ntxwg Nyoog
  • Emma-O: Japanese tus kav ntuj txiag teb tsaus
  • Balaam: dab ntxwg nyoog Henplais ntawm kev ntshaw thiab kev ntshaw
  • Samnu: Central Asian dab ntxwg nyoog
  • Midgard: Leej Tub Loki
  • Shaitan: Arabic lub npe rau dab ntxwg nyoog
  • Asmodeus: Hebrew dab ntxwg nyoog khoom kim heev
  • Chemosh: National vajtswv ntawm Mau-a
  • Thoth: Egyptian vajtswv ntawm khawv koob
  • Mastema: Hebrew synonym for Satan
  • Sedit: Native American dab ntxwg nyoog
  • Metztli: Aztec vajtswv poj niam hmo ntuj
  • Beherit: Syriac lub npe rau dab ntxwg nyoog
  • Moloch: Phoenician thiab Canaanite lub npe rau dab ntxwg nyoog
  • Nihasa: Native American dab ntxwg nyoog
  • Nergal: Babylonian vajtswv ntuj raug txim
  • Baphomet: Templar symbol of Satan
  • Rimmon: dab ntxwg nyoog Syrian
  • Azazel: Hebrew nqa riam phom
  • Mictian: Aztec vajtswv txoj kev tuag
  • Mephistopheles: Greek shunner of light
  • Marduk: Babylonian vajtswv
  • Set: dab ntxwg nyoog Egypt
  • Tunrida: Poj niam Scandinavian dab ntxwg nyoog
  • Fenriz: Leej Tub Loki
  • T'an-mo: Suav sib ntaus rau dab ntxwg nyoog
  • Yen-lo-Wang: Suav kav teb chaws
  • Adramalech: dab ntxwg nyoog Samarian
  • Euronymous: Greek Prince of Death
  • Apollyon: Greek synonym for Satan
  • Thamuz: Sumerian vajtswv tom qab tig mus rau dab ntxwg nyoog
  • Mania: Etruscan vajtswv poj niam ntawm ntuj raug txim
  • Tchort: Lavxias lub npe rau Xatas
  • Ahpuch: Maya dab ntxwg nyoog
miv dub zaum nraum zoov
miv dub zaum nraum zoov

Supervillain Cat Names

Dab tsi ua rau tus neeg phem phem? Rau ntau tus neeg, tus neeg siab phem thiab tus neeg phem yuav ua rau peb lub hauv paus tawm tsam peb tus phab ej. Los ntawm cov phau ntawv comic rau cov yeeb yaj kiab, ntawm no yog peb xaiv rau cov npe miv supervillain zoo tshaj plaws.

  • Lex Luthor: Superman's ci ntsa iab archnemesis
  • Hela: Thor's vengeful sister in Thor: Ragnarok
  • Loki: Ob tus neeg phem thiab tus phab ej hauv Marvel Cinematic Universe thiab Greek vajtswv ntawm kev phem
  • Ra's al Ghul: Batman's mentor-turned-villain
  • Bane: Iconic Batman villain
  • Poison Ivy: Sexy thiab over-the-top poj niam phem ntawm Batman
  • General Zod: Kryptonian demigod thiab neeg phem ntawm Superman
  • Selina Kyle: Batman neeg phem thiab lub npe tiag tiag ntawm Catwoman
  • Harley Quinn: Joker tus hlub thiab neeg phem hauv Batman ntug
  • Goldfinger: Villain in James Bond
  • Boba Fett: Intergalactic bounty hunter in Star Wars
  • Darth Vader: Archvillain hauv Star Wars
  • Freddy Krueger: Charismatic villain los ntawm Npau suav phem ntawm Elm Street
  • Gozer: Main antagonist hauv Ghostbusters
  • Ivan Drago: Rocky's rival in Rocky IV
  • Hans Gruber: Iconic villain los ntawm Die Hard
  • Jack Torrance: Kev tua neeg sau los ntawm Stephen King's The Shining
  • Jafar: Tus neeg phem tshaib plab los ntawm Aladdin
  • Keyser Soze: Lub ntsiab antagonist nyob rau hauv Feem ntau Suspects
  • Kylo Ren: Villain in Star Wars
  • Norman Bates: Serial killer villain in Hitchcock's Psycho
  • Scar: Mufasa tus tij laug thiab tus antagonist tseem ceeb hauv The Lion King
  • Shere Khan: Tsov thiab neeg phem nyob rau hauv Phau Ntawv Hav Zoov
  • Tony Montana: Gangster protagonist in Scarface
  • Thulsa Doom: Hwj chim wizard nyob rau hauv Conan tus Barbarian
  • Annie Wilkes: Kev ntxhov siab kiv cua hauv Stephen King Txoj Kev Nyuaj Siab
  • Cruella de Vil: Fashionista neeg phem hauv 101 Dalmatians
  • Grimhilde: Dab los ntawm Daus Dawb thiab Xya Dwarfs
  • Maleficent: Sorceress in Sleeping Beauty
  • Regina: Evil queen from Once Upon a Time
  • Yzma: Kev phem kev qias hauv Emperor's New Groove
  • Captain Barbossa: Tus thawj coj phem lub nkoj hauv Pirates of the Caribbean
  • jigsaw: Serial killer from the Saw trilogy
  • Khan: Genius antagonist los ntawm Star Trek
  • Emperor Palpatine: Dark Lord of the Sith los ntawm Star Wars
  • Pennywise: Kev phem neeg phem los ntawm Stephen King's IT
  • Pinhead: Iconic Cenobite los ntawm Clive Barker's Hellraiser
  • Ratigan: Suave kev ua phem tus tswv los ntawm Great Mouse Detective
  • Al Swearengen: Tus neeg phem tseem ceeb ntawm Deadwood
  • Angelus: Vampire villain and hero from Buffy the Vampire Slayer
  • Spike: Adversary of Buffy in Buffy the Vampire Slayer
  • Gus Fring: Cartel lord from Breaking Bad
  • Joffrey: Bratty tus me huab tais los ntawm Game of Thrones
  • Newman: Iconic nuisance from Seinfeld
  • Ramsay Bolton: Evil antagonist on Game of Thrones
  • Tony Soprano: Anti-hero protagonist ntawm The Sopranos
  • Negan: Baseball-bat-wielding villain from The Walking Dead
  • Heisenberg: W alter White's alter ego on Breaking Bad
  • Catra: Antagonist ntawm She-Ra thiab Princesses ntawm lub hwj chim
  • Cersei: Hwj chim tshaib plab poj huab tais regent los ntawm Game of Thrones
  • Evelyn Poole: Main antagonist ntawm Penny Dreadful
  • Madam Dabntxwnyoog: Lub cim tseem ceeb ntawm Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
  • Villanelle: Assassin from Killing Eve
Norwegian hav zoov miv zaum ntawm lub cav
Norwegian hav zoov miv zaum ntawm lub cav

Evil Cat Names from Literature

Literature tau tsim ib co ntawm cov neeg phem tshaj plaws nco txhua lub sijhawm. Txawm hais tias daim ntawv foil rau tus phab ej lossis tus cwj pwm phem tiag tiag, ntawm no yog cov npe miv siab phem tshaj plaws los ntawm cov ntaub ntawv.

  • Claudius: Tus neeg tiv thaiv tseem ceeb hauv qhov xwm txheej ntawm Hamlet
  • suav Dracula: Romanian conception ntawm dab ntxwg nyoog thiab ib tug iconic literary vampire
  • Draco Malfoy: Harry Potter's nemesis los ntawm Harry Potter
  • Grindelwald: Wizard thiab antagonist los ntawm Harry Potter
  • Grendel: Ib tug ntawm peb antagonists los ntawm Beowulf
  • Iago: Main antagonist ntawm Shakespeare's Othello
  • Napoleon: Tsis tseeb tus kav los ntawm Tsiaj Farm
  • Smaug: Greedy dragon and antagonist in The Hobbit
  • Bellatrix: Tus dab muaj zog los ntawm Harry Potter
  • Ratched: Tus neeg saib mob siab phem los ntawm Ib tug Flew Over the Cuckoo's Zes
  • Danvers: Main antagonist ntawm tus tshiab Rebecca
  • Gollum: Tus Tswv ntawm lub Rings
  • Sauron: Primary villain in the Lord of the Rings
  • Mondego: Romantic rival thiab neeg phem ntawm Dante nyob rau hauv Lub suav ntawm Monte Cristo
  • Severus Snape: Sarcastic wizard los ntawm Harry Potter
  • Voldemort: Tus neeg phem loj hauv Harry Potter
calico miv pw ntawm lub rooj zaum khawb caj npab so
calico miv pw ntawm lub rooj zaum khawb caj npab so

Npe Tsiaj Cats of Famous Villains

Ntau tus neeg phem lub cim muaj ib tug zoo tib yam tsiaj miv rau mob stroke thaum lawv los txog rau lawv cov devious npaj. Nov yog qee lub npe tau tshoov siab los ntawm cov miv "kev phem" nto moo tshaj plaws uas yog khub rau tus neeg phem.

  • Azrael: Gargamel tus miv sab xis hauv Lub Smurfs thiab koom nrog Angel of Death
  • Mr. Bigglesworth: Dr. Evil's fluffy white cat in Austin Powers
  • M. A. D. Cat: Kuj hu ua "Furball," tus tsiaj miv ntawm Dr. Claw hauv Inspector Gadget
  • Salem: Tsiaj Cat of Sabrina in Sabrin, Teenage Witch
  • Jiji: Tsiaj miv ntawm Kiki los ntawm Kiki's Delivery Service
  • Thackery Binx: 17th-century me nyuam tub dai rau hauv lub cev ntawm tus miv hlub los ntawm Sanderson Sisters hauv Hocus Pocus
ib tug hluas polydactyl tortie Maine Coon miv nyob rau tom qab tsaus nti
ib tug hluas polydactyl tortie Maine Coon miv nyob rau tom qab tsaus nti

Kev xaiv lub npe phem rau koj tus miv

Txawm koj xaiv lub npe uas tshwm sim los ntawm dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab) cim thiab nco lub npe.

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