7 Qhov zoo tshaj plaws LED & Lub Teeb-Up Cat Collars Xyuas (2023 Hloov Kho)

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7 Qhov zoo tshaj plaws LED & Lub Teeb-Up Cat Collars Xyuas (2023 Hloov Kho)
7 Qhov zoo tshaj plaws LED & Lub Teeb-Up Cat Collars Xyuas (2023 Hloov Kho)
miv hnav Vizpet LED miv dev dab tshos USB Rechargeable
miv hnav Vizpet LED miv dev dab tshos USB Rechargeable

Yog tias koj nyob hauv ib lub nroog lossis thaj chaw uas muaj tsheb ntau, lub teeb ci ntsa iab tuaj yeem pab ua kom koj tus miv muaj kev nyab xeeb yog tias lawv tawm mus sab nraud. Lawv kuj yog ib qho kev xaiv zoo yog tias koj tus miv mus taug kev nrog koj thiab koj xav tawm hmo ntuj.

Yog tias koj xav tau ib qho ntawm cov khoom siv kev nyab xeeb no tab sis tsis paub meej tias yuav xaiv hom twg, koj tau tuaj rau qhov chaw zoo. Peb tau xaiv ntau lub npe sib txawv los tshuaj xyuas rau koj kom koj tuaj yeem pom qhov txawv ntawm lawv. Peb yuav muab qhov zoo thiab qhov tsis zoo uas peb tau ntsib thiab qhia rau koj paub tias peb cov miv nyiam lawv li cas. Peb kuj tseem suav nrog cov lus qhia luv luv ntawm tus neeg yuav khoom los pab koj nkag siab tias yuav nrhiav dab tsi yog tias koj mus kav khw. Nyeem ntawv thaum peb saib qhov loj me, ci ntsa iab, lub neej ntev, thiab ntau ntxiv los pab koj ua qhov kev yuav khoom paub.

7 zoo tshaj plaws LED thiab Teeb-Up Cat Collars

1. DOMIGLOW Light Up Dog Collars - Rechargeable LED Puppy Collar Adjustable Cat dab tshos - Zoo tshaj plaws

DOMIGLOW Light Up Dog Collars
DOMIGLOW Light Up Dog Collars
Length: 12 nti
Type: USB rechargeable LED

The DOMIGLOW Light Up Dog Collars - Rechargeable LED Puppy Collar Adjustable Cat dab tshos yog peb xaiv raws li qhov zoo tshaj plaws tag nrho LED thiab teeb-up miv dab tshos. Nws tag nrho ntev yog hais txog 12 ntiv tes uas yuav tsum muaj ntau tshaj qhov haum rau feem ntau miv, thiab lub teeb nws emits yog heev ci thiab yooj yim pom, txawm nyob rau hauv los nag lossis pos huab. Nws muaj ob hom sib txawv, flashing ceev, thiab ruaj khov flashing, thiab koj tuaj yeem rov them nws ntawm USB cable. Nws txawm muaj ob lub strips reflective, yog li nws yuav ua haujlwm txawm tias tus nqi khoob.

Txoj kev poob rau DOMIGLOW yog tias nws poob nqi sai, yog li peb yuav tsum tau tso siab rau cov ntaub thaiv npog ntau dua li qhov peb xav tau.


  • Bright
  • Rechargeable
  • 2 modes
  • Reflective strips


Luag them sai sai

2. Vizpet LED Cat Dog dab tshos USB Rechargeable & XS Adjustable Nylon dab tshos Bright Safety Tsiaj dab tshos - Tus nqi zoo tshaj

Vizpet LED Cat Dog dab tshos USB Rechargeable
Vizpet LED Cat Dog dab tshos USB Rechargeable
Length: 12 nti
Type: USB rechargeable LED

Vizpet LED Cat Dog dab tshos USB Rechargeable & XS Adjustable Size Nylon dab tshos Bright Safety Tsiaj dab tshos yog peb xaiv raws li qhov zoo tshaj plaws LED thiab teeb-up dab tshos rau cov nyiaj. Nws muaj peb hom teeb uas koj tuaj yeem xaiv los ntawm, thiab nws yuav khiav tau ob peb teev ua ntej koj yuav tsum tau them nws rov qab. Nws kho tau yooj yim thiab muaj ntau yam xim.

Peb nyiam siv Vizpet LED Cat Dog dab tshos, tab sis nws tsis muaj qhov sib cais, yog li nws tsis yog qhov kev xaiv zoo rau cov miv sab nraum zoov. Peb kuj pom tias qee zaum nws tuaj yeem tua tom qab ob peb feeb, yog li nws yuav tsis nyob yog tias tus miv tsis nrog koj.


  • 3 hom
  • Nyob lit ob peb teev
  • Yooj yim kho
  • Muaj xim


  • Tsis txhob sib nrauj
  • Tig los ntawm nws tus kheej qee zaum

3. Blazin 'Kev nyab xeeb LED dab tshos - USB Rechargeable nrog Dej Resistant Flashing Lub Teeb - Hwm Kev Xaiv

Blazin 'Kev Nyab Xeeb LED USB Rechargeable Nylon Dog dab tshos
Blazin 'Kev Nyab Xeeb LED USB Rechargeable Nylon Dog dab tshos
Length: 10.75 nti
Type: USB rechargeable LED

Lub Blazin 'Kev Nyab Xeeb LED dab tshos yog peb qhov kev xaiv zoo tshaj plaws LED thiab lub teeb tsa miv dab tshos. Nws muaj lub sijhawm ua haujlwm ntev heev uas koj yuav ntsuas hauv lub lis piam tsis yog feeb lossis teev, thiab koj tuaj yeem rov them nws los ntawm txhua lub cuab yeej siv USB cable nrog. Nws muaj peb hom uas sib txawv ntawm lub blinking ceev, yog li koj tuaj yeem khaws ib qho uas koj xav tias ua rau koj tus tsiaj muaj kev nyab xeeb. Peb pom lub teeb ci heev thiab nyiam tias nws yog dej-resistant.

Qhov tseem ceeb downside rau Blazin 'yog tias qee zaum nws ua haujlwm tsis zoo thiab yuav qhib thiab tawm ntawm nws tus kheej thiab tig los ntawm ntau hom blinking.


  • Nyob ntev
  • 3 hom
  • Lub teeb ci
  • Water-resistant


Qee zaum tig los ntawm nws tus kheej

4. BSEEN LED Dog dab tshos - Qhov zoo tshaj plaws rau Kittens

BSEEN LED Dog dab tshos
BSEEN LED Dog dab tshos
Length: 12 nti
Type: USB rechargeable LED

BSEEN LED Dog dab tshos yog peb xaiv raws li qhov zoo tshaj plaws rau kittens. Nws hloov tau los ntawm me ntsis dhau 8 ntiv mus rau yuav luag 12 ntiv tes, yog li nws yuav tsum haum rau feem ntau cov miv, tshwj xeeb tshaj yog me me. Cov khoom siv yog qhov ruaj khov heev, thiab nws muaj lub ntsej muag ci ntsa iab hauv qhov tsaus ntuj thiab cov khoom siv cuam tshuam uas yuav pab tib neeg pom koj tus miv txawm tias tus nqi them tag. Nws muaj ntau yam xim, yog li koj paub tseeb tias koj yuav pom qee yam koj thiab koj tus miv nyiam.

Lub downside rau BSEEN yog tias nws poob nqi sai thiab tsuas zoo li yuav kav ntev li ob peb feeb, thiab nws tsis ci heev txawm tias nws nce qhov deb koj pom tus miv.


  • Glow in the dark buckle
  • Durable
  • Reflective khoom
  • Ntau xim


  • Luag them sai sai
  • Tsis kaj siab

5. Candofly LED dab tshos rau me dev miv

Candofly LED dab tshos rau Me Me Miv
Candofly LED dab tshos rau Me Me Miv
Length: 12 nti
Type: USB rechargeable LED

Lub Candofly LED dab tshos rau Me Me Miv yog lwm LED-powered miv dab tshos uas muaj ntau yam xim. Nws tsim lub teeb ci, thiab koj tuaj yeem xaiv ntawm ob hom flashing. Reflective strips nyob rau hauv qhov chaw ua ib qho thaub qab kom koj tus miv muaj kev nyab xeeb txawm tias lub teeb tsis muaj nqi.

Peb nyiam siv cov dab tshos Candofly, thiab peb muaj ob ntawm lawv. Txawm li cas los xij, peb muaj teeb meem nrog ob qho tib si vim nws nyuaj rau them lawv vim tias qhov chaw nres nkoj USB tsuas ua haujlwm tsis tu ncua.


  • Muaj xim
  • Lub teeb ci
  • 2 flashing modes
  • Reflective strips


Tsis yooj yim them

6. LED Cat dab tshos

YFBrite LED Cat dab tshos
YFBrite LED Cat dab tshos
Length: 27.5 nti
Type: USB rechargeable LED

LED Cat dab tshos yog ib qho loj-haum-tag nrho cov dab tshos uas koj tuaj yeem txiav kom haum rau txhua tus miv lossis dev, li no koj tus miv yuav tsis tawm ntawm nws. Nws muaj peb hom flashing uas koj siv tau, thiab nws yog huab cua tsis zoo. Nws tsim lub teeb ci uas koj tuaj yeem pom los ntawm qhov deb heev.

Qhov downside rau LED Cat dab tshos yog tias nws poob nqi sai, yog li koj yuav tsum rov them nws ntau zaus. Lwm qhov teeb meem peb muaj nrog nws yog tias nws qhib, thiab yog tias nws yog tus miv sab nraum zoov, koj yuav poob nws.


  • Easy los ntxuav
  • Nws haum txhua tus dev thiab miv
  • 3 flashing modes
  • Watherproof


  • Luag them sai sai
  • tuaj yeem qhib ntawm random

7. Lupine Reflective Cat Safety dab tshos - Qhov zoo tshaj plaws Reflective Cat dab tshos

Lupine Reflective Cat Safety dab tshos
Lupine Reflective Cat Safety dab tshos
Length: 12 nti
Type: Reflective

Lub Lupine Reflective Cat Safety dab tshos yog peb xaiv raws li qhov zoo tshaj plaws reflective miv dab tshos. Nws yog adjustable los ntawm 8-12 ntiv tes, yog li nws yog haum rau feem ntau miv. Nws nta qhov zoo nkauj heev stitching rau pem hauv ntej thiab nraub qaum, yog li koj tuaj yeem pom qhov cuam tshuam stitching txawm tias nyob deb.

Nws yog qhov zoo tsis yog yuav tsum tau them cov dab tshos no txhua hnub lossis ob zaug, tab sis qhov tsis zoo ntawm Lupine yog qhov khawm tawg yooj yim, thiab peb cov miv tsoo nws thawj hnub peb sim nws tawm.


  • Breakaway clasp
  • Half inch wide

Clasp yuav tawg yooj yim

Tus Neeg Yuav Khoom Qhia: Xaiv qhov zoo tshaj plaws LED & Teeb-Up Cat Collars

Ntawm no yog qee qhov tshwj xeeb tseem ceeb uas yuav tsum tau saib xyuas thaum koj tab tom yuav khoom rau lub teeb pom kev zoo tshaj plaws rau koj tus menyuam:


Thawj yam uas peb pom zoo kom nrhiav thaum xaiv lub teeb-up miv dab tshos yog qhov loj. Ntau lub dab tshos yog rau miv thiab dev, yog li muaj lub caij nyoog nws yuav loj dhau rau koj tus tsiaj, tshwj xeeb tshaj yog tias nws tseem yog menyuam miv lossis yog ib tug me me. Peb pom zoo tsuas yog xaiv cov dab tshos uas muaj 12 ntiv tes los yog me dua yog li koj paub tseeb tias koj tsis muaj teeb meem nrog kev loj hlob, tshwj tsis yog nws tuaj yeem cinched lossis txiav kom zoo.

Reflective vs Light-Up Collars

Peb ib txwm pom zoo kom muaj cov dab tshos vim lawv ua haujlwm tsis muaj zog, thiab koj tuaj yeem pom lawv los ntawm qhov deb heev. Luckily, feem ntau lub teeb-up dab tshos kuj muaj qhov cuam tshuam stitching ua rau hauv lawv, thiab peb tau sim taw tes rau hauv peb qhov kev tshuaj xyuas.

miv hnav DOMIGLOW Light Up Dog Collars
miv hnav DOMIGLOW Light Up Dog Collars

Rechargeable vs Battery

Peb pom zoo kom cov dab tshos rechargeable dua cov roj teeb uas siv tau vim lawv zoo dua rau ib puag ncig. Lub roj teeb lub zog yuav kav ntev dua, tab sis cov kev hloov pauv tuaj yeem kim dhau sijhawm, thiab qee cov qauv tsuas ua haujlwm kom txog thaum lub roj teeb tuag.

Breakaway Clasp

Lwm yam uas koj yuav xav nrhiav thaum xaiv koj lub dab tshos miv yog qhov sib cais. Lub clasp no siv tus qauv tsim tshwj xeeb uas tso tawm thaum muaj kev sib zog ntau dhau los pab tiv thaiv koj tus miv kom tsis txhob txhaws yog tias nws ntes tau ib yam dab tsi. Qhov tsis zoo ntawm qhov kev sib tsoo yog tias koj tsis tuaj yeem siv nws nrog txoj hlua khi yog tias koj nyiam taug kev koj tus miv vim nws feem ntau ua rau lub dab tshos tawg.


Thaum xaiv koj lub teeb-up dab tshos tom ntej, peb xav kom peb xaiv qhov zoo tshaj plaws tag nrho. Lub DOMIGLOW Light Up Dog dab tshos yog lub teeb ci-up dab tshos uas muaj lub teeb ci ntsa iab ua kom koj cov miv muaj kev nyab xeeb txawm tias lub zog poob. Vizpet LED Cat Dog Collar USB Rechargeable & XS Adjustable Size Nylon dab tshos yog peb xaiv rau tus nqi zoo tshaj plaws, thiab nws yog lwm qhov kev xaiv ntse. Hom tshuaj no zoo ib yam li peb xaiv sab saum toj thiab muaj ntau xim ntawm tus nqi qis.

Pom zoo: