10 Cat Breeds with Ear Tufts (nrog duab)

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10 Cat Breeds with Ear Tufts (nrog duab)
10 Cat Breeds with Ear Tufts (nrog duab)

Koj puas tau pom tus miv uas muaj plaub hau ntev ntawm lub pob ntseg? Yog tias koj nyiam qhov zoo nkauj qus ntawm lynx, koj yuav zaum poob rau hauv kev hlub nrog pob ntseg tufts. Qhov kev zoo no tsis tshua muaj nyob hauv cov miv hauv tsev, tab sis nws muaj nyob! Txawm hais tias pob ntseg tufts tsis yog qhov yuav tsum tau muaj nyob rau hauv ib hom tsiaj, muaj qee cov tsiaj uas feem ntau muaj tufts. Nov yog kaum ntawm peb hom miv nyiam uas tuaj yeem muaj pob ntseg pob ntseg.

Longhair miv nrog pob ntseg Tufts

1. Turkish Van

Turkish Van Cat pem hauv ntej saib
Turkish Van Cat pem hauv ntej saib

Tus Turkish Van yog ib tug miv ib nrab ntev plaub hau nrog lub tsho tiv no txawv. Nws feem ntau muaj plaub dawb nrog cov xim "cap" hla txhua pob ntseg. Cov xim ntawd qhia txog lawv lub pob ntseg. Tab sis yog tias koj muaj hmoo, qhov ntawd yuav tsis yog ib qho uas ua rau pob ntseg zoo nkauj. Qee cov miv Turkish Van muaj ntev, pob ntseg tufts loj hlob los ntawm qhov kawg ntawm txhua pob ntseg. Qhov no feem ntau tshwm sim hauv miv nrog cov plaub hau ntev thiab feem ntau tshwm sim hauv lawv lub tsho tiv no, tsuas yog ploj mus rau huab cua sov.

2. Norwegian Forest Cat

Norwegian hav zoov miv ntawm nyom
Norwegian hav zoov miv ntawm nyom

Norwegian Forest Cats hail los ntawm cov daus mus txog rau sab qaum teb Europe, yog li nws tsis xav tsis thoob tias lawv muaj ntau yam sib xws nrog lynxes. Nrog rau ib tug ntev, graceful thav duab, loj paws, thiab shaggy fur, cov miv no tej zaum muaj loj, showy pob ntseg tufts. Norwegian Forest Cats tuaj yeem muaj ntau yam qauv thiab xim, los ntawm cov xim dub thiab xim av mus rau cov daus dawb los yog ci ginger. Txawm lawv xim dab tsi, cov miv zoo nkauj no yuav sawv tawm.

3. Maine Coon

maine coon miv pw hauv av
maine coon miv pw hauv av

Ntawm lub Atlantic, muaj lwm hom miv uas zoo li qus heev uas nyob deb, tej zaum lawv yuav yuam kev rau ib tug lynx! Maine Coons yog lub npe hu ua cov miv loj tshaj plaws, qee zaum ntsuas tshaj peb taw ntawm lub qhov ntswg mus rau tus Tsov tus tw. Cov neeg loj heev no tuaj yeem tuaj yeem nyob hauv txhua xim, tab sis nto moo tshaj plaws yog nplua nuj, tsaus tabby qauv. Lawv cov tsho ntev ntev feem ntau tsim cov "mane" fluffy nyob ib ncig ntawm lawv lub ntsej muag, thiab cov tsiaj qus zoo nkaus li tsuas yog nce thaum lawv muaj pob ntseg tufts. Lawv kuj feem ntau muaj pob ntseg "furnishings" - curls ntawm pluab loj hlob los ntawm sab hauv ntawm lawv pob ntseg. Cov rooj tog zaum no tuaj yeem phim lub tsho hauv qab xim lossis dawb.

4. LaPerm

Laperm zaum ntawm lub rooj zaum dub
Laperm zaum ntawm lub rooj zaum dub

LaPerms yog hom miv nrog keeb kwm hauv Pacific Northwest. Cov miv no muaj kev hloov pauv uas ua rau lawv cov plaub hau ntev mus rau crinkle thiab curl kom lawv zoo li lawv tau tawm ntawm lub khw txiav plaub hau circa xyoo 1980s! Lub tsho tiv no zoo nkauj curly tseem ua rau lawv pob ntseg pluab, thiab zoo nkauj tufts thiab cov rooj tog zaum tsis yog qhov txawv. Koj tuaj yeem tau txais "unicorn horn" twist ntawm pluab los ntawm txhua pob ntseg!

Shorthair miv nrog pob ntseg tufts

5. American Curl

American curl miv
American curl miv

American Curl miv yog qhov txawv tshaj plaws rau lawv lub pob ntseg tig rov qab. Qhov rov qab curl no ua rau lawv cov pob ntseg tuab-pob plaub rau ntawm cov zaub tag nrho, tab sis yog tias koj saib ze, koj yuav pom tias ntau tus miv American Curl muaj pob ntseg thiab. Qhov no yog ntau tshaj yog tias cov curl yog me me. Nws kuj tsis yog qhov tsis yooj yim rau American Curl miv kom muaj cov pob ntseg ncaj nraim sib xyaw nrog lawv cov litters, thiab ntau tus miv no muaj pob ntseg zoo li. American Curls muaj nyob rau hauv ob qho tib si luv luv thiab longhaired ntau yam.

6. Pixie Bob

paj cat
paj cat

Pixie Bob miv qee zaum tau lees tias tau nqis los ntawm American Bobcats, tab sis feem ntau cov neeg yug tsiaj pom zoo tias qhov zoo sib xws tsuas yog los ntawm kev xaiv yug me nyuam. Qhov ntawd txhais tau tias koj tau txais tag nrho cov bobcat zoo yam tsis muaj teeb meem kev coj cwj pwm los ntawm cov ntshav qus-ib qho ntxiv hauv peb phau ntawv! Cov miv luv luv no muaj lub tsho me me, lub ntsej muag luv luv, thiab pob ntseg pob ntseg, ib yam li nws cov tsiaj qus. Lawv paub tias yog neeg txawj ntse, ua siab loj, thiab ua si-kwv deb ntawm cov miv qus uas lawv muaj npe tom qab.

Nkauj tawm tshiab Mix Hindiaz Download

7. Bengal

bengal miv pw hauv pem teb
bengal miv pw hauv pem teb

Pob ntseg pob ntseg tsis tshua muaj nyob hauv cov miv hauv tsev, tab sis ntau tus miv qus muaj qhov tshwj xeeb no, suav nrog Esxias Leopard Cat. Bengals yog miv nrog cov ntshav hauv tsev thiab ib qho me me ntawm Neeg Esxias Leopard Cat caj ces, thiab nrog rau lawv cov claws muaj zog thiab cov tsho tiv no, ntau Bengal miv muaj pob ntseg tsaus nti uas tau txais ncaj qha los ntawm lawv cov poj koob yawm txwv qus. Cov miv zoo nkauj no yog cov miv hybrid nrov tshaj plaws niaj hnub no vim lawv muaj qhov zoo nkauj txawv txawv.

8. Caracat

Caracat nrhiav
Caracat nrhiav

The Caracal yog ib tug miv qus uas muaj ceg ntev, tawv nqaij tawv, thiab pob ntseg loj heev. Txawm hais tias kev sib tw ntawm Caracals thiab cov miv hauv tsev tsis tshua muaj, lawv muaj nyob. Cov "Caracats" no muaj cov pob ntseg dub uas tsis tuaj yeem ua tau ntev tshaj li ib nti. Qhov nyuaj ntawm kev yug me nyuam Caracats thiab lawv cov nqi siab tau ua rau cov tsiaj tsis sib haum xeeb. Tsim nyob rau xyoo 2007, cov miv no feem ntau muaj cov ntshav Abyssinian uas pab khaws cov tsiaj qus kom tsis muaj leej twg tuaj yeem ua yuam kev rau cov miv zoo tib yam.

9. Highlander Cat

Ob tug miv nyob hauv highlander so hauv ib lub tsev miv ua ke
Ob tug miv nyob hauv highlander so hauv ib lub tsev miv ua ke

Highlander Cat yog ib qho ntawm ntau yam kev sim tsiaj uas muaj kev sib raug zoo, suav nrog Cov Suab puam Lynx (tsis muaj kev cuam tshuam rau Caracal) thiab Jungle Curl, ib tug hybrid ntawm American Curl thiab Wild Jungle Cat. Cov miv no tau bred los hais txog cov yam ntxwv ntawm cov tsiaj qus, nrog lub tsho tiv no xim, ib tug stumpy Tail, thiab rov qab tig pob ntseg. Zoo li American Curl, qhov tsis tshua muaj hom tshiab ntawm miv no feem ntau muaj pob ntseg ntawm nws lub pob ntseg, thiab nws cov ntshav Cat Jungle tuaj yeem ua rau cov kab mob sib txawv.

10. Savannah

Savannah miv
Savannah miv

Lwm yam zoo nkauj hybrid miv nrog pob ntseg tufts yog Savannah. Cov miv no coj lawv cov ntshav qus los ntawm Servals, pom cov miv qus nrog cov pob ntseg dub sib txawv. Kev yug me nyuam rau cov miv hauv tsev yog qhov nyuaj, tab sis qhov tshwm sim yog qhov zoo nkauj-tus tsiaj qus hauv me me, ua tiav nrog pob ntseg dub. Nrog rau cov tufts, ntau tus miv Savannah kuj pom cov cim ocelli-dub thiab dawb uas zoo li qhov muag-ntawm lawv pob ntseg.

Xav xav kawg

Nrog ntau yam uas ua rau tsiaj tshwj xeeb, nws nyuaj rau xaiv ib qho los ua peb nyiam. Tab sis thaum nws los txog rau miv, nws yog ib qho nyuaj los tiv thaiv ib tug fluffy, furnished pob ntseg nrog ib tug zoo nkauj tuft ntawm lub ntsis! Txawm hais tias koj tus miv pob ntseg ua rau nws zoo li miv qus los yog ntxiv rau nws qhov kev ntxim hlub, yog tias koj muaj ib tus miv no, koj yuav tsum suav koj tus kheej muaj hmoo!

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