12 Hom Dwarf Luav (nrog duab)

Cov txheej txheem:

12 Hom Dwarf Luav (nrog duab)
12 Hom Dwarf Luav (nrog duab)

Dwarf luav yog ib hom me me ntawm cov luav hauv tsev nrog lub cev zoo. Mini luav tuaj yeem hnyav li 2 phaus, tab sis qee hom, zoo li Lop Luav, hnyav txog li 5 phaus.

Dwarf luav nyob me me thoob plaws hauv lawv lub neej. Lawv zoo ib yam li lawv tus khub loj tab sis xav tau kev saib xyuas tshwj xeeb.

Plan yuav txais ib tug luav dwarf? Nov yog qee cov luav dwarf thiab seb lawv puas yuav yog tsiaj zoo.

12 Yam Ntsuag Luav

1. Mini Lop Luav

Mini Lop luav tom tsev
Mini Lop luav tom tsev
Weight: 5.5 txog 7.7 phaus
Life Expectancy: 5 txog 7 xyoo

A Mini Lop Luav yog ib qho nrov tshaj plaws dwarf luav txawm tias nws txoj kev loj hlob tsis ntev los no nyob rau xyoo 1970. Tus luav muaj lub cev luv luv nrog lub voj voog.

Txawm hais tias Lop Luav me me, nws muaj lub cev muaj zog. Nws lub taub hau kuj loj dua li lwm lub cev. Cov tsiaj tau txais nws lub npe los ntawm lop-sided dai zoo li ntawm nws pob ntseg.

Lop Luav ua tsiaj zoo, tab sis lawv tsis haum rau txhua lub tsev. Lawv ua tau zoo tshaj plaws hauv qhov chaw ntsiag to tsis muaj menyuam.

2. Holland Lop

Holland lop luav sab nraum zoov
Holland lop luav sab nraum zoov
Weight: 2 mus rau 4 phaus
Life Expectancy: mus txog 10 xyoo

Lub Holland Lop muaj lub cev luv thiab khov, nrog pob ntseg dai rau ntawm ob sab ntawm lub taub hau. Nws hnyav li ntawm 2 mus rau 4 phaus thaum loj hlob tuaj thiab tuaj ntawm cov xim sib txawv, xws li chocolate, dub, thiab tortoise.

Yog tias koj npaj yuav khaws Holland Lop ua tus tsiaj, nco ntsoov tias lawv yuav tsum tau noj zaub mov muaj fiber ntau. Lawv nyiam noj cov zaub tshiab thiab quav nyab rau kev noj haus. Tsis txhob khaws Holland Lop ua tus tsiaj yog tias koj nyob hauv thaj chaw uas muaj qhov kub thiab txias.

3. Columbia Basin Pygmy Luav

columbian phiab pygmy luav
columbian phiab pygmy luav
Weight: 1 pound
Life Expectancy: 3 mus rau 5 xyoos

Lub Columbia Basin Pygmy Dwarf Luav yog cov luav me tshaj plaws. Nws muaj ib tug stocky, puag ncig lub cev thiab pob ntseg luv. Tus luav muaj cov plaub mos grey nrog lub hauv qab dawb.

Nws tsis tshua pom cov tsiaj no ntxiv lawm vim nws tsis tshua muaj me nyuam. Cov tsiaj yuav luag ploj mus rau xyoo 1990. Txawm cov luav uas koj pom niaj hnub no tsis yog purebred. Vim qhov tsis tshua muaj neeg yug, nws yuav nyuaj rau nrhiav Columbia Basin Pygmy Luav khaws cia ua tsiaj.

4. Jersey Wooly Dwarf Luav

Weight: Txog 3.3 phaus
Life Expectancy: 6 txog 9 xyoo

Jersey Wooly Luav tau bred hauv New Jersey, uas yog qhov chaw yug tau nws lub npe los ntawm. Dhau li ntawm me me thiab ntxim hlub, tus luav kuj tseem hlub thiab decile, ua tus tsiaj zoo.

Tsis zoo li lwm hom tsiaj, Jersey Wooly Luav tsis ua nruj. Lawv kuj me me thiab lub teeb, txhais tau tias lawv tsis xav tau chaw ntau dhau.

5. Lionhead Luav

Dawb tsov ntxhuav
Dawb tsov ntxhuav
Weight: Txog 5 phaus
Life Expectancy: 7 txog 9 xyoo

Raws li lub npe muab tso tseg, Lionhead Luav muaj lub ntsej muag zoo nkauj. Lub pob ntseg tuaj yeem ntev li 7 ntiv tes tab sis feem ntau tau muab zais los ntawm cov plaub. Qee hom kuj tuaj nrog luv luv thiab ntau pob ntseg.

Lionhead Luav tso feem ntau ntawm lawv "mane" thaum lawv mus txog rau cov neeg laus. Yog li, yog tias koj xav khaws lawv li tsiaj txhu, npaj rau kev tso tawm. Cov luav no tuaj ntawm cov tsho sib txawv xim thiab yooj yim rau tu.

6. Mini English Angora luav

Dwarf English Angora Luav
Dwarf English Angora Luav
Weight: 5 txog 7.5 phaus
Life Expectancy: 5 txog 8 xyoo

The Mini English Angora Luav yog nrov rau lawv cov tsho loj thiab cov tsos zoo nkauj. Lawv muaj pob ntseg luv thiab lub taub hau ncaj. Tsis zoo li lwm yam Angora luav, dwarf ntau yam muaj plaub ntawm lawv lub ntsej muag thiab pob ntseg.

Mini Angora Luav ua tsiaj zoo heev vim lawv yog tus siab mos siab muag, siab mos siab muag, thiab nyiam cuddled. Tab sis lawv xav tau kev tu kom zoo kom lawv cov plaub hau tsis txhob matting lossis tangling.

7. Britannia Petite luav

Weight: Txog 2.5 phaus
Life Expectancy: 6 txog 10 xyoo

Britannia Petite Luav muaj ntau lub tsho loj, xws li sable, otter, dub, txiv ntseej, thiab dawb. Nws lub neej expectancy yog 6 mus rau 10 xyoo, ua rau nws ib tug mus sij hawm ntev tus khub. Kev noj zaub mov zoo rau Britannia Petite Luav muaj zaub, quav nyab, thiab pellets.

Tus luav lub cev arched yog nws cov yam ntxwv tseem ceeb tshaj plaws. Nws kuj muaj ib tug me ntsis tsa lub plab thiab ib tug wedge-shaped taub hau. Pob ntseg sawv ntsug thiab luv.

Britannia Petite Luav xav tau kev tawm dag zog ntau los tswj tus cwj pwm zoo thiab lub cev noj qab haus huv. Yog li, yog tias koj xav khaws lawv li tsiaj, koj yuav tsum npaj los tsim thaj chaw ua si txaus rau lawv.

8. Miniature Cashmere Lop Luav

Weight: 4 to 5 pounds
Life Expectancy: mus txog 8 xyoo

Tus Me Me Cashmere Lop Luav muaj ntau hom xim thiab nyiam noj quav nyab, txiv hmab txiv ntoo, zaub, thiab pellets. Nws paub txog nws lub tsho loj heev thiab pob ntseg ntev. Thaum koj saib tus luav ntawm sab, nws lub taub hau zoo nkaus li nkhaus.

Thaum tus Me Me Cashmere Lop Luav ua tus tsiaj zoo, nws lub tsho yuav tsum muaj kev tu kom zoo. Txwv tsis pub, lev thiab tangles yuav tsim nyob rau hauv koj tus tsiaj zoo nkauj "cashmere" tsho.

Cia li nco txog tej yam kev noj qab haus huv ib yam nkaus. Qee qhov ntawm cov luav no raug mob ntawm tus txha caj qaum, yog li kev saib xyuas kom zoo yog qhov tseem ceeb.

9. Dwarf Hotot

Weight: Txog 3 phaus
Life Expectancy: 7 txog 10 xyoo

Dwarf Hotot yog lub npe hu rau nws cov plaub mos mos thiab ntxim hlub. Nws yog thawj bred nyob rau hauv Fabkis nyob rau hauv thaum ntxov 1900s. Dwarf Hotot pob ntseg nteg nyob rau sab nraum qab ntawm nws lub taub hau thiab nyiam perk sai sai.

Txawm tias yug me me, nws muaj lub qab los noj mov. Yog li, npaj kom pub nws zoo yog tias koj khaws nws li tsiaj. Tab sis kuj tseem nco ntsoov tias Dwarf Hotots nquag rog thiab xav tau kev tawm dag zog txhua hnub.


Puas Npauj Npaim Npauj Npaim Npaum Li Cas?

10. Dutch Dwarf Luav

Dutch Dwarf Luav
Dutch Dwarf Luav
Weight: Txog 2.5 phaus
Life Expectancy: 7 txog 10 xyoo

Dutch Dwarf Luav tej zaum yuav zoo li cuddly tab sis tsis nyiam khaws lossis ua si nrog. Tsis txhob dag los ntawm lawv qhov loj me vim tias lawv muaj zog heev. Cov luav yog cov leeg thiab muaj taub hau loj piv rau lawv lub cev.

Dutch Dwarf Luav tsis ua cov tsiaj zoo tshaj plaws, tshwj xeeb tshaj yog nyob hauv tsev nrog menyuam yaus. Lawv kuj muaj kev xav tau kev tawm dag zog siab thiab ceev ceev, uas txhais tau tias lawv yooj yim pom.

11. Mini Satin Luav

mini satin luav
mini satin luav
Weight: Txog 5 phaus
Life Expectancy: 5 txog 8 xyoo

Mini Satin Luav muaj lub tsho satin-life thiab nruab nrab-ntev pob ntseg. Nws cov leeg tuaj yeem ua rau cov leeg nqaij, nyob ntawm seb nws tau noj. Tus luav kuj nquag heev thiab nyiam tshawb nrhiav.

Mini Satin Rabbits yog cov tsiaj zoo nkauj nrog kev pw tsaug zog. Tab sis cov noob recessive uas muab rau lawv satin plaub yog tsawg. Yog li ntawd, koj yuav muaj lub sijhawm nyuaj nrhiav tus luav no los ua tus tsiaj.

12. American Fuzzy Lop Luav

Dawb American Fuzzy Lop luav
Dawb American Fuzzy Lop luav
Weight: 3 to 4 pounds
Life Expectancy: 5 txog 8 xyoo

Tus Neeg Asmeskas Fuzzy Lop Luav muaj lub ntsej muag zoo li miv nrog cov cim txawv ntawm lawv lub qhov ntswg. Lawv kuj muaj qhov muag voj voog thiab tinted ob lub qhov muag uas ua rau lawv saib ntxim nyiam. Lawv pob ntseg dai ntawm ob sab ntawm lawv lub ntsej muag.

Txawm hais tias cov luav no yuav yog cov tsiaj zoo, lawv muaj ob peb yam mob uas koj yuav tsum paub txog. Piv txwv li, lawv muaj kev cuam tshuam rau luav mites, zuam, fleas, thiab pluab pob tsim hauv plab.

Dwarf luav ua tsiaj zoo?

Txawm hais tias ib tug dwarf luav ua ib tug zoo tsiaj los tsis yuav nyob ntawm seb nws hom. Qee tus luav mini yog ib qho yooj yim rau tu thiab muaj qhov kub thiab txias. Meanwhile, lwm tus yuav txhoj puab heev thiab muaj kev saib xyuas lossis kev tawm dag zog.

Thaum xaiv tus luav los ua tus tsiaj, koj yuav tsum xav txog cov hauv qab no:

  • Dietary xav tau
  • Tseeb
  • Susceptibility to he alth mob
  • Kev xav tau

Yog tias koj muaj menyuam, koj yuav tsum xav txog seb hom tsiaj puas haum rau lawv.


Dwarf luav yog me me furballs ntawm cuteness uas yuav ua tau ib tug zoo ntxiv rau koj tsev neeg. Tab sis koj yuav tsum paub txog cov yam ntxwv thiab cov cai ntawm tus luav uas koj xav tau txais ua ntej coj mus rau hauv koj lub tsev.

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