Puas yog Bearded Dragons phooj ywg? Qhov Tseeb & Cov Lus Qhia Txog Kev Kho Mob

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Puas yog Bearded Dragons phooj ywg? Qhov Tseeb & Cov Lus Qhia Txog Kev Kho Mob
Puas yog Bearded Dragons phooj ywg? Qhov Tseeb & Cov Lus Qhia Txog Kev Kho Mob

Bearded Dragons yog undoubtedly ib qho ntawm cov tsiaj reptiles uas muaj ntau yam tsiaj. Lawv muaj cov yam ntxwv tshwj xeeb, xws li lub hnab spiny hauv qab lub puab tsaig uas tig dub thaum raug hem lossis sim nyiam tus khub, thiab lawv muaj lub taub hau duab peb sab. Cov xim txawv txawv nyob ntawm hom (muaj yim ntawm lawv), thiab lawv yog cov lizards ntxim nyiam. Txawm li cas los xij, ib lo lus nug feem ntau nug txog beardies (raws li lawv tau hu ua kev hlub) yog seb lawv puas yog phooj ywg. Peb tuaj yeem teb cov lus nug no nrog lub suab nrov yog!

bearded zaj divider
bearded zaj divider

Bearded Dragon Characteristics

Bearded Dragons yog hlub, phooj ywg, docile, xav paub, animated, thiab yooj yim rau tame. Hom beardie nrov tshaj plaws yog Inland lossis Central Bearded Dragon (Pogona vitticeps) feem ntau coj tuaj rau hauv kev poob cev qhev hauv Asmeskas thiab Canada. Hom kab no taug qab rov qab mus rau thaj chaw qhuav lossis ib nrab-kib sab qab teb sab hnub tuaj ntawm Australia thiab yog cov tsiaj reptile tshaj plaws uas xav tau los ua tus tsiaj.

Puas muaj kev nyab xeeb hnia ib tug Bearded Dragon?

Peb tau tsim tias Bearded Dragons yog tus phooj ywg thiab muaj kev hlub, tab sis koj puas tuaj yeem hnia koj beardie? Hmoov tsis zoo, koj yuav tsum tsis txhob hnia koj cov beardie kom tsis txhob muaj kab mob Salmonella, uas tuaj yeem ua rau koj mob. Beardies tuaj yeem nqa Salmonella hauv lawv cov xaum txawm tias lawv noj qab nyob zoo li cas - qhov no ua rau hnia thiab snuggling koj beardie tawm ntawm lo lus nug. Txhawm rau kom tsis txhob muaj kab mob Salmonella, koj yuav tsum ntxuav koj txhais tes kom huv si tom qab tuav thiab pub koj cov beardie.

poj niam tuav nws bearded zaj
poj niam tuav nws bearded zaj

Yuav Ua Li Cas Koj Bond Nrog Bearded Dragon?

Rau qhov pib, koj yuav tsum ua siab ntev nrog koj tus beardie, tab sis nws muaj peev xwm tsim tau ib daim ntawv cog lus. Lawv tsis zoo li miv thiab dev uas sib raug zoo nrog tib neeg, tab sis nws tsis yooj yim sua kom nws tshwm sim. Koj tus beardie tej zaum yuav ntshai me ntsis ntawm koj thaum xub thawj, nkaum hauv cov ces kaum thiab khiav thaum koj mus ze. Txawm li cas los xij, sim siv sijhawm tsawg kawg ib nrab teev nrog koj cov beardie txhua hnub los tsim kev ntseeg siab.

Tseem nco ntsoov nws yuav siv sij hawm 3 mus rau 4 lub hlis rau koj tus beardie ntseeg koj, uas yog qhov ua siab ntev los ua si ntawm koj kawg. Tsis txhob yuam qhov teeb meem; ua siab mos siab muag, nyob ntsiag to, thiab ntsiag to tsis muaj kev txav tam sim ntawd.

Thaum khaws koj cov beardie los tuav, ua siab mos siab muag. Txawm li cas los xij, tsis txhob sim khaws nws yog tias nws tab tom qhia koj lub hwj txwv (lub hnab tawv dub hauv qab lub puab tsaig). Qhov no txhais tau tias nws hnyav heev thiab yuav tom koj.

Ua kom koj nyob hauv nws txoj kev pom kom nws tsis txhob poob siab. Beardies tsis tuaj yeem pom ncaj nraim rau pem hauv ntej, thiab nws yuav txhais tau tias koj yog tus neeg tua tsiaj, yog li nco ntsoov tsis txhob rub nws los saum toj no.

Sim pub mis rau koj Beardie los ntawm tes los tsim kev ntseeg siab. Koj tuaj yeem siv tweezers thaum pub kab. Ntxiv dua thiab, tsis txhob sim pub mis rau koj cov beardie yog tias nws cov hwj txwv dub spiny puffed tawm hauv qab lub puab tsaig.

Yuav ua li cas thiaj paub yog tias kuv cov plaub hau daj nyiam kuv?

Raws li peb tau hais lawm, beardies muaj peev xwm tsim tau tib neeg kev sib raug zoo, tab sis nws yuav tsis zoo ib yam li nrog aub lossis miv. Beardies muaj lawv tus kheej tshwj xeeb, thiab koj tus beardie yuav coj txawv txawv ntawm lwm tus koj tau pom lossis ntsib. Txawm li cas los xij, qhov no tsis tau txhais hais tias koj tsis tuaj yeem tsim daim ntawv cog lus.

Ib txoj hauv kev qhia yog tias koj tus beardie nyiam koj yog tias nws tsis khiav thiab nkaum hauv nws lub terrarium thaum koj nkag mus hauv chav. Hloov chaw, nws yuav ua rau nws zoo siab thaum nws pom koj. Lwm txoj kev qhia tias nws nyiam koj yog nws yuav nrhiav koj thaum nws ntshai lossis ntshai.

Lwm txoj hauv kev qhia tias nws nyiam koj yog tias nws yuav zaum saum koj ceg tawv, tuaj yeem txaus siab thaum ncav mus rau hauv lub terrarium (txawm tias koj tsis muaj zaub mov), thiab tsaug zog ntawm koj ib sab lossis txawm tias ntawm koj. qab. Tag nrho cov cim no qhia tias nws txaus siab thiab tso siab rau koj.

poj niam petting ib tug bearded zaj
poj niam petting ib tug bearded zaj

3 Lub Tswv Yim Kom Ua Kom Koj Hiav Txwv Liab Zoo Siab & Zoo

Bearded Dragons yog ib qho ntawm cov tsiaj reptiles yooj yim rau tu, tab sis koj yuav tsum paub koj tus kheej nrog cov kev xav tau niaj hnub thiab txhua qhov tseem ceeb tank teeb.

1. Tank Loj

Ua ntej, koj tus beardie yuav xav tau lub tank lossis terrarium. Rau tus me nyuam beardie, koj tuaj yeem siv lub tank 40-gallon, tab sis txuag tau rau lub tank loj dua ntawm txoj kev, vim lawv tuaj yeem loj hlob mus txog 2 feet ntev hauv cov neeg laus, uas feem ntau ncav cuag li ntawm 6 lub hlis. Thaum koj tus beardie yog ib tug neeg laus, lub tank 120-gallon (4 'x 2' x 2 ") yuav yog qhov xav tau tshaj plaws rau koj beardie.

Koj xav kom koj tus beardie muaj ntau chav nyob hauv nws lub tsev thiab tsis nyob hauv qhov chaw me me, tab sis koj tuaj yeem khiav tawm ntawm 50 mus rau 75-gallon tank. Cia li nco ntsoov tias koj xav kom koj tus beardie nyob hauv ib chav tsev thiab tsis yog lub tsev kaw neeg, yog li hais. Tsis tas li ntawd, xyuas kom lub tank zoo-ventilated nrog lub hau ruaj ntseg tab sis yooj yim txaus los mus rau koj beardie yog tias koj xav tau los tuav nws.

Cov khoom ntawm lub tank kuj tseem ceeb, nrog rau cov tswv beardie feem ntau xaiv rau lub khob thiab ntoo combo enclosure-qhov chaw koj nyob plays lub luag hauj lwm nyob rau hauv lub tsim nyog hom tank-koj yuav xav tau ntau ntawm ib tug ntoo enclosure yog tias koj nyob. nyob hauv huab cua txias vim ntoo yog cov rwb thaiv tsev zoo heev.

tus me nyuam bearded zaj nyob rau hauv ib tug enclosure
tus me nyuam bearded zaj nyob rau hauv ib tug enclosure

2. Cua sov qhov chaw, teeb, thiab pem teb

Koj yuav xav tau lub teeb UVB, ntsuas kub, ntsuas cua sov, hygrometer, basking pob zeb lossis cav (cav), thiab hauv pem teb. Cov hauv pem teb yuav tsum yog cov ntaub pua plag lossis pobzeb-tsis txhob xuab zeb, pebbles, pob zeb, thiab cov substrate tsis zoo. Beardies nyiam bask nyob rau hauv lub tshav kub (nco ntsoov, lawv yog los ntawm teb chaws Australia lub arid los yog ib nrab arid cheeb tsam), uas yog ib qho tseem ceeb rau lawv tag nrho cov kev zoo siab thiab kev noj qab nyob zoo. Lawv kuj nyiam cov nroj tsuag (nyob lossis cuav) hauv lawv lub tank thiab hammock.

Lub teeb UVB yuav tsum nyob rau 12 teev txhua hnub, thiab chav tsev thiab lub tank yuav tsum tsaus ntuj thaum hmo ntuj. Beardies tsis tuaj yeem pw tsaug zog zoo hauv qhov kaj, yog li nco ntsoov ua kom nws tsaus thiab nyob ntsiag to thaum hmo ntuj. Cov neeg feem coob yuav lawv cov beardies los ntawm lub khw muag tsiaj, thiab koj tuaj yeem yuav cov khoom siv pib. Tus neeg muag khoom tuaj yeem pab koj nrog kev teeb tsa thiab qhia koj yuav ua li cas faib lub tank rau thaj chaw txias thiab thaj chaw basking, uas beardies xav tau.

3. Kev noj haus

Koj yuav xav tau zaub mov thiab dej tais rau koj tus beardie. Cov lizards cov zaub mov no tsis yooj yim, tab sis nws tseem ceeb heev kom paub tias cov zaub mov noj txhua hnub yuav tsum muaj li cas. Beardies nyiam kab civliv, roaches, mealworms, thiab kingworms (qhov no yog qhov koj xav siv tweezers).

Lwm cov zaub mov noj yog cov zaub ntsuab, cov zaub ntsuab, cov zaub ntsuab, zaub ntsuab, dandelion, taum ntsuab, thiab alfalfa quav nyab. Koj tseem tuaj yeem muab cov txiv hmab txiv ntoo, xws li strawberries, raspberries, hnub, thiab apricots, tab sis ua li ntawd sparingly.

Lawv kuj noj zaub txhwb qaib, kale, kua txob, thiab qos yaj ywm qab zib. Raws li cov lus qhia, pub koj cov neeg laus beardie 50% cov khoom siv cog thiab 50% cov khoom siv kab txhua hnub. Cov tub ntxhais hluas beardies tuaj yeem noj ib zaug lossis ob zaug hauv ib hnub, thaum cov laus tsuas noj txhua 24-72 teev.

Bearded Dragon Noj
Bearded Dragon Noj
bearded zaj divider
bearded zaj divider

Txoj Kev Xav

Bearded Dragons yog tus phooj ywg, hlub, docile, thiab xav paub. Lawv ua cov tsiaj zoo heev uas tsis nyuaj rau tu; Txawm li cas los xij, koj yuav tsum kawm txhua yam koj tuaj yeem hais txog lawv txoj kev noj mov thiab kev teeb tsa lub tank. Tsim kev sib raug zoo nrog lawv yog ua tau, tab sis koj yuav tsum tau ua siab ntev. Thaum kawg, yog tias koj tab tom xav txog Bearded Dragon ua tus tsiaj, peb hais tias mus rau nws!

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